Monday, January 4, 2010

Wow! Where does time go? How often has that question been asked? Does time really fly on wings of lightning? If you could go back in time, would you? Does Father Time have a wife? If he does can she get things done more efficiently than her husband? If they have children, do they waste time? Is a moment in time sufficient to know someone? How about love them? In the time it takes to thoroughly clean your kitchen does another room in your house get messy? If you spend every waking moment with someone is that too much? Does it depend on the person? How much time, do you suppose, it took that woodchuck to chuck the wood? If there is no end to time and no beginning to time, why do we even keep time? Does your watch keep good time? Do you wear a watch or just use your cell phone? If you wear a watch do you still look at the cell phone for the time? How much tome do you think this took me to write? Do you really want to know? Didn't think so. Have a great day.


Carlee Raymond said...

hee're posts always make me smile...and think...